Women & the Economy

We want to hear from you. Share your views on women’s economic issues in your area, including successes and challenges.


Thursday, October 1, 2015, 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.

Our Saviors Lutheran Church, Austin, Minnesota

 HOST:    Legislative Office on the Economic Status of Women http://www.oesw.leg.mn/

FORMAT: An unstructured discussion. We simply ask, “What are the primary economic issues for women in your area?” “What are the economic success stories of women in your area?” and “What are barriers to women’s economic success in your area?”

PURPOSE: To gather information to advise state legislators on women’s economic issues in Greater Minnesota. Sessions are being held in eight locations throughout the state.

WHO IS INVITED: Individuals and organizations that deal with a broad range of women’s economic issues. The invitation list includes local elected officials; the chamber of commerce; women business owners; and agencies and organizations that address the needs of low income women, older women, and veterans.

RSVP: Please let us know if you plan to attend. barbara.battiste@oesw.leg.mn

Travel Group

The AAUW Travel Club will be meeting on WEDNESDAY, September 9th at 1:00 P.M. at the home of DedaRae Graber. This is a different day of the week that we are going to try this year.  At this meeting we will work together to organize and set up our calendar for the year.  Also, we will share the Mason City Trip together.   Please let DedaRae know if you plan to attend. Thank you.  I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, September 9th.Travel-Accessories-2560x1055