Run Like a Girl


Women have been running for president of the United States since 1872 — before women even had the right to vote. This year, two high-profile women entered the race, and Hillary Clinton has now become the first female presidential nominee of a major political party. Here are some of the women who have tried to crack the ultimate glass ceiling.


Image citation:
Photo via By Duell, Sloan & Pearce Public Domain/Wikimedia Commons

Travel Club – September

The September meeting is on Wednesday, September 14th at 2:00.  Marsha Kuehne has volunteered to host this meeting.  I’m hoping that some of you would be able to share information about the National Park that you selected.  Below is the list of members and the park that they selected:

Crater Lake Nat’l Park…………Lois Paulson

Death Valley Nat’l Park……….Sandy Folk

Glacier Nat’l Park………………..Dorothy Krob

Joshua Tree Nat’l Park…………Ann Odegaard

Saguaro Nat’l Park………………Deedee Marx

Yellowstone Nat’l Park…………Nancy Arneson

Zion Nat’l Park……………………Sonia Larson

Travel Club Owatonna Trip

The AAUW Travel Club is leaving Austin (at 9:00 A.M.) and Traveling to Owatonna on Tuesday, May 17th.  We will tour the Minnesota State Orphanage at 10:00 A.M. where we will listen to a presentation, watch a film taken in the 1930’s, and tour the Main Museum and Cottage 11.  If the weather is nice, we will also walk the grounds where there are six audio stations.  The cost for this tour is $7.00.

We will then go to the downtown area where we will have different choices for lunch including a Chocolate Shop, a Bagel Bakery, and others………….on your own.

At 1:30 P.M., we will receive another guided tour of Owatonna’s unique bank.  The cost of this bank tour will be between $3.00-$5.00 (depending on the number of people in our group).

So, check your calendar, and let me know if you think this is of interest to you and will work for you.  Gail Minerich has made all the arrangements and we are thankful for her time and efforts.  We are inviting anyone that is an AAUW Member to join us.   We do need to get our final number/count.  So, please let me know ASAP (before the end of April) if you are planning to join us.  Thank you.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Enjoy this lovely season.

DedaRae Graber

Spring Book Sale

Spring Used Book Sale

Books! Books! and More Books!
The Annual Spring Used Book Sale is May 6 and 7.
Book donations will be accepted at the library starting on April 22. Please
take some time those two weeks before the sale to help sort and set up.
The sign-up sheets were passed around at the March meeting and they are
very slim in numbers!  We need everyone to help so please check your
schedule and be prepared to sign up for the sale days. The sign-up sheets will be passed around again at the April meeting.



We are looking for items that we will put in a gift basket for the State Convention Auction. We decided Sweet Reads would be the theme so candy, coffee, books etc. Bring to the meeting or can drop off at the Austin Public Library to Courtney until April 22.

Travel Club – April 14th, 1:30 pm

          Our Travel Club is going to meet on Thursday, April 14th, at 1:30 P.M.  at the home of Dorothy Krob.  We encourage everyone to bring ONE special item or purchase that they got from a city that they especially enjoyed visiting.  This can be a city within the United States or in a foreign country.  Please let me know if you plan to join us.  Thank you.


Travel Club

Good Afternoon Friends!

Lois McConnell has volunteered to host the Travel Club in March. Thank you sooooooooo very much, Lois.

This meeting will be a time for us to get together and decide on future programs and adventures for our group. I have spoken will Lois and it is alright with her to change our meeting date to the FIRST Thursday of March (which is March 3rd).   I need to change the date as we are going to be out of town during the second week of March. Please check your calendars and PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP if the March 3rd date will work for you.

If you know that you will be gone on March 3rd, would you let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas for a program or adventure. A couple of people have sent ideas, but we need MANY more.

Again, thank you to Lois for hosting and thank you to the rest of you for quickly responding to this message.

Have a wonderful day. I look forward to hearing from each of you.

