Southern Highlights Newsletter

Southern Highlights


Volume 11 Number 7 April 2013

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time



Marijo Alexander and Sue Grove, Co-Presidents

Co-President’s Thoughts


Happy Spring! I can’t believe that we are already into the final programs for this year! It has been an amazing year for our AAUW branch.


Women’s History Month at Austin High School was a huge success. It is always rewarding to visit with the students about their projects and recognize how much of a learning experience it is for them. Lisa Maatz, AAUW’s Director of Public Policy, gave an inspiring speech that students and faculty really enjoyed and we even got front page coverage in the Austin Daily Herald. Several members of our branch along with members from Albert Lea and Rochester joined Lisa and David Kirkwood, a national AAUW board member, for lunch at the Old Mill. I accompanied Lisa and Dave to the SPAM Museum and Lisa tweeted from there. She thanked us all for the warm Minnesota welcome.


The April meeting is your chance to see the winning projects from the Women’s History Month and to meet the students. Please try to be at Riverland for this meeting. Then, in May, we have our year end banquet. Think of friends to invite to join us.

Also, the State Convention is in Rochester the end of April. Please consider attending if you possibly can. It is a great event. Don’t forget to bring something for our gift baskets for the Silent Auction. Our theme is “Our Favorite Things”.


Finally, don’t forget the book sale is the first weekend in May. We need all the help we can get for all phases of this major fund raiser: sorting any time now, setting up the Wednesday and Thursday before the sale, working at the sale, and packing up books early in the week following the sale. Please contact Laura Tjomsland , Joyce Goetz, or Sue Grove for more details. Also, you may take books to donate at any time now. Just deliver them to the front desk at the library.

Thank you for all you do.


Sue Grove


April Program

Please join us on April 9th at 6:30 for refreshments and 7:00 for the program at Riverland Community College Room C 107. The winners of the Austin High School Women’s History Month Contest will be sharing their projects and information they learned while doing them! See the article on the Women’s History Month success for a full listing of the winners!


Kari Bain amp; Yesenia Mendoza

Program Committee Co-chairs


Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.


Morning Book Group

Please join our book group discussion on April 18, when we will meet at 9:00 a.m. at Olivia’s (formerly Jerry’s). We will discuss “The Plague of Doves,” by Louise Erdrich. On Thursday, May 16th, we will meet and discuss, “Safe From the Sea”, by Peter Geye. Location TBA. If you have suggestions for future months reading selections, please join us. Call Lois McConnell with suggestions or if you have questions about our group.

Evening Book Group


We will be discussing The Whistling Season by Ivan Doig on Monday April 1st at the home of Judy Pesonen. Please RSVP to Judy at In May, we will discuss Run by Ann Pachett.


First Friday


We will meet at 11:30 on Friday, April 5th at Tolly’s Time Out Restaurant. Please email Peggy Benzkofer at or call her at 433-5934 to reserve your spot.

Travel Group

The AAUW Travel Club is going to be canceled for the month of April. Many of our members are gone and no one else was able to share a program. We have a May Gathering planned when Sue Grove and DedaRae Graber will share their experiences of traveling in France. With Sue’s French speaking abilities, etc. and Dee’s endless photos, it should be an interesting and fun program. We hope you can join us on Thursday, May 9th at 2:00 P.M. (the location will be announced later). Take care and enjoy our Spring Season!


DedaRae Graber


Great Decisions


Great Decisions will meet on Wednesday, May 1st at 1 PM in Room C108 at Riverland.



Women’s History Month Success!


Thank you to all of our members who helped to make the Women’s History Month event a success. Special thanks to Austin Holiday Inn for their donation of a room for Lisa. Please consider the Holiday Inn as you make
plans to entertain out-of-town guests.


Our Women’s History Project winners included First: Sophia Thoen – Women in Education; Second: a tie between team of Emma Weikum, Anna Bachmeier and Bailey Mueller – Women in Government (local representatives) and team Noah Brehmer, Justin Bergemann and Conner Bollum – Women in the United States Senate. Third place was a team of Abby Bickler, Nik Gasner and Carolyn Hackel – Title IX and Its Impact on Women.


Peggy Benzkofer amp; Carolyn Bogott

Co-Chairs, Women’s History Month Project



Lisa Maatz speaks at AHS assembly.


Peggy congratulates winners Carolyn Hackel and Abby Bickler.

AAUW Washington Update


NYC Poised to Require Paid Sick Days


The New York City Council reached an agreement Thursday night to require paid sick leave. When the new law is in full effect, it would make it mandatory for companies with at least 15 employees to provide workers 5 days off per year when they are sick, so employees can stay home and recuperate without the threat of losing their jobs or pay.


SCOTUS Hears Marriage Equality Cases


This past week the Supreme Court heard arguments about the constitutionality of California’s Proposition 8, as well as the Defense of Marriage Act. These hearings brought the fight for marriage equality to the forefront of national news. Supporters of same-sex marriage, who believe that Proposition 8 should be overturned, believe this law violates the constitutional right of equal protection under the law.


Obama Signs VAWA


On March 7th, President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act (VAWA) into law. This reauthorization will protect all victims, including Native American and immigrant women; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals; students on college campuses; and victims of human trafficking. AAUW is proud to have been part of

VAWA’s passage.


Snowe in New Orleans?!

For the first time in six years, AAUW will be honoring an Achievement Award winner at our national convention. Recently retired, Sen. Olympia Snow (R-ME) was the third longest-serving woman in the history of Congress and only the fourth woman to be elected to both houses. Snowe built a reputation as one of Congress’ leading moderates, and during her tenure, she co-chaired the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues and provided leadership in establishing the Office of Research on Women’s Health. The AAUW Achievement Award, created in 1943, is presented to an individual whose record of achievement advances AAUW’s mission. Register today to meet this legendary leader and AAUW friend.

AAUW And Friends Of The Library Book Sale




Our spring book sale is coming up soon and we need your help. This is a great fundraiser for us and it doesn’t cost you anything except your time. If you have a little free time before the sale weekend, we could use help presorting the books at the library. If you can help with this, please call Joyce Goetz (437-4608) or Peggy Benzkofer (433-5934) and we can show you what to do. This work can be done anytime it is convenient for you to be at the library.


At the April AAUW meeting we will have a sign-up sheet for working the book sale days. Please check your schedule and be ready to sign up for a time to work. We need everyone’s help with this. The work times for the sale will be:


Putting books out on the tables


Wednesday, May 1 – 1 PM to 7 PM

Thursday, May 2 – 10 AM to 4 PM


Book Sale Days


Friday, May 3 and Saturday, May 4

9:30 AM to 5 PM (2 Hour shifts or more if you can)


If you can’t be at the April AAUW meeting, please call Laura Tjomsland (434-4199) and let her know when you can work at the book sale. Thank you all for your help with this fund raiser. Everyone is needed.


Laura Tjomsland and Joyce Goetz








AAUW Board Meeting Minutes


March 12, 2013


AAUW Board met at the Riverland Community College. Present were Marijo Alexander, Peggy Benzkofer, Carolyn Bogott, Joyce Goetz, Sue Grove, Barb Hunter, Kathy Kester, Ruth Monson, and Mary Kay Wilson.


Secretary’s report was approved.


Mary Kay reviewed the 2013-14 Membership Dues. Because the National Dues will remain at $49, she recommended that we keep our membership dues at $65 for the coming year. The 2013-14 Budget was discussed. The budget will be reviewed again in April, and approved at the summer board retreat.


Peggy Benzkofer made the motion to amend the current budget to include registration as well as transportation fees for two people to attend the National AAUW Convention (a total of $1800). Motion seconded and approved.


A discussion took place regarding honoraria for local speakers who are not AAUW members. We will review this again at our April board meeting.

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Program updates are as follows:

March 12: “Vision 2020 Update” by Laura Helle

April 9: “Women’s History Month Winners” at Riverland, Room C107

May 14: Spring Banquet at the Historic Hormel Home. There will be a social time (with cash bar) at 6:00 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. The dinner will be a buffet (catered by HyVee) with two entrees, including dessert. The price for dinner will be $14. Members should pay for dinner and 2013-14 dues with two separate checks (or cash). Members will receive a phone call reminding them of the dinner.


Mary Kay reported that our current membership count is 63. Peggy and Carolyn gave an update on the Women’s History Month projects and assembly with speaker Lisa Maatz.


Barb Hunter reported that the nominating committee is continuing its work to fill the vacancies on the board.


Sue Grove reported that the Book Sale will take place May 2-4. The Austin Public Library is now receiving book donations at the front desk. Help will be needed to sort through the books, and Peggy Benzkofer offered to help show others how the sorting is done.


Marijo reported that the 2013 “Mission in Motion” and Strategic Plan have been submitted.


Delegates are still needed for the State AAUW Convention, April 26-28. Interested people can see Marijo or Sue.


The next Board meeting will be April 9 at Riverland, Room C107 at 5:45 p.m. Members will gather at 6:30 p.m. for social time, and the program will begin at 7:00 p.m.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Monson, Secretary


Financial Report


AAUW Monthly Financial Report
February – March, 2013
Period: 2/1/13-3/31/13
Opening Balance: $6,767.60
Total Income: $ – $6,767.60
Womens History Month prizes 220.00
Womens Hist Speaker lunch 23.23
Supplies 5.50
Advertising 15.00
Total Disbursements: $263.73
Closing Balance 3/31/13 $6,503.87

Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao

Minnesota State Website:

The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:

Association e-mail:






















AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912