October 2011 Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Volume 10 Number 2 October 2011

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time

Marijo Alexander and Liz Richardson, Co-Presidents




Co-President’s Thoughts

It was great to see so many of you at our September potluck that got our new year off to a good start. Thanks to Bonnie Rietz and Dani Heiny for leading the discussion on 2020 visioning for Austin.


And what a fabulous turnout for our house tour! Thank you to all who helped in any way. Most of all a big thank you to co-chairs Gerry Rustad and DedaRae Graber for their record setting results. The profits will be going for scholarships to Riverland Community College. Read more about this in a separate article.


We are trying our board meetings at 5:30 p.m. before the member meetings this year. Treats will be provided from 6:30 to 7:00, but you are also welcome to stay after the 7:00 p.m. member meeting for more social time. The October meetings will be at The Welcome Center, 308 – 4th Ave. NW. Please come and learn more about this very vital center for our area.


Our 2011-2012 member directories are expected to be ready by October 11.


Enjoy October in Minnesota – one of our most beautiful seasons!



Liz Richardson


October Program

Happy October! We hope you are enjoying the changing of the colors and the crunching of acorns under your feet. Our next meeting will take place on Tuesday, October 11. The meeting will take place at the new Welcome Center location at 316 N. Main St. – next to Innovision. Jake Vela, the interim Director of the Welcome Center, will present to us on the Welcome Center mission, the new populations it serves and future plans for the Center. Coffee/social time will begin at 6:30 p.m. and the program will start at 7:00 p.m. Special ethnic treats will be served during the social time, so don’t miss it! We look forward to seeing you there.

Nel Zellar & Kari Bain

Program Committee Co-chairs

2011Tour of Homes a Success!


We’d like to thank our house hostesses, Peggy Benzkofer, Carolyn Bogott, Dorothy Krob, and Ellen Stark for all their hard work and time to make the day so successful and enjoyable for all. We appreciated the hard work of our treasurer, Mary Kay Wilson. Thanks to Sue Grove also for the photos that her husband took for the publicity. All AAUW members deserve thanks also for the large number of tickets that were sold and your help at the homes, as well as spreading the word of the tour. Mary Kay will be sharing the final financial report when it’s available, but we’re extremely happy with the amount of money raised for Riverland scholarships.


DedaRae Graber and Gerry Rustad, Co-chairpersons


Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.


Morning Book Group


We meet the third Thursday of each month at Jerry’s Other Place at 9:00 AM unless otherwise announced. Books being discussed are the following:


October 20 – Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford

November 17 – Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

December 15 – The Dog Who Came In From the Cold by Alexander McCall Smith

January 19 – Belle Conto by Ann Padgett



Evening Book Group


We will meet on October 3rd at 7 PM at the home of Kathy Kester to discuss Sarah’s Key by Tatiana de Rosnay. Please RSVP to Kathy at kkester@isd500.k12.mn.us. For our November gathering, we will discuss The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.



Just Come


The “Just Come” Noon Lunch Group will meet on Friday, October 7th at 11:30 at the Austin Country Club. Please call Pat Purcell, 433-2607 or e-mail patopurcell@charter.net by Thursday morning, October 6th if you plan to attend. Any member of AAUW is welcome.


Travel Group


The AAUW Travel Club will be meeting at the home of Gail Minerich (1605 – 27th St. NW) on Thursday, Oct. 13th at 2:00 P.M. Gail will be presenting a DVD and photos from her Mission Trip to Kinampanda, Tanzania. While Gail was in Tanzania, she witnessed a traditional wedding, a funeral, and people struggling with AIDS, TB, and cancer. The trip was initiated as a way to meet, interact, and worship with members of Our Savior’s companion church in Kinampanda. We will learn a great deal from Gail’s experience. We’re so glad that she is sharing it with us. If you plan to attend, please email DedaRae (drgraber@charter.net) or call (433-7897) before Wed., Oct 12th.


Information Request for Website

We are looking for more testimonials to add to the front page of Austin AAUW’s website, (www.aauwaustinmn.org), answering the question: “Why I joined AAUW”. Please consider composing a short response to this question and submitting it to Marie at marie.lechelt@riverland.edu. Also, please submit small group meeting information to Marie as well to have that meeting information available on the website.


AAUW Monthly Financial Report

September 2011

Period: 9/1/11-9/30/11
Opening Balance: $5,246.81
Dues Received 520.00
House Tour Tickets


Total Income: $5,800.00 $11,046.81
House Tour Supplies 182.99
RCC Scholarships 2,000.00
National Dues 392.00
State Dues 72.00
Total Disbursements: $2,646.99
Closing Balance 9/30/11 $8,399.82


“Fixing” the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA; aka “No Child Left Behind”)


Without exception, and across every political ideological perspective, everyone wants to end the flawed No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act governing federal education policy. You can read AAUW’s congressional testimony that outlines many of the problems AAUW sees with the current law. But, Congress has to follow constitutional law and rules of the House and Senate to change this law. The only way to permanently end NCLB and “fix” how federal money is spent in public education is through the reauthorization process.

In the meantime, the Obama administration has created a waiver process that is intended to continue adequate federal oversight and accountability of our public schools. We urge Congress to adopt AAUW’s recommended changes when it proceeds with the reauthorization process. The Senate will consider the reauthorization of this legislation on October 18.


AAUW Board Meeting

September 13, 2011


AAUW Board met at Christ Episcopal Church. Present were Marijo Alexander, Kari Bain, Carolyn Bogott, DedaRae Graber, Evelyn Guentzel, Barb Hunter, Marsha Kuehne, Marie Lechelt, Ruth Monson, Liz Richardson, Gerry Rustad, Mary Kay Wilson and Nel Zellar.


Secretary’s report was read and approved. In the future, the secretary’s report will not be read at the board meetings. Marijo will attach the secretary’s report and treasurer’s report to the agenda that she sends to each board member.


Mary Kay reported that we passed the 2010-11 audit. Motion made and seconded to keep financial records from only the past seven years. Motion carried. Nel and Kari gave an overview of the 2011-12 program schedule.


Motion made and seconded to eliminate the position of hospitality chair. Motion carried. Marijo will send around a sign-up sheet asking for volunteers to bring and serve refreshments.


Marsha is organizing the calling tree for meeting reminder calls. She requests that members inform her of address/email/phone number changes. Marie gave a website update. She is asking people to submit small group information, event pictures and responses to “Why I joined AAUW”.


Newsletter items are to be submitted to Rae Dawn on or before September 30. Agenda items are to be submitted to Liz and Marijo on or before October 4. The October Board meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on October 11 at the Welcome Center, 316 N. Main Street.


Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Monson, Secretary





We have in our possession of things being passed from one president to another a beautiful silver service: a coffee pot, sugar and creamer, and large tray. Inscribed on the back of the tray are these words: “AAUW 1935-1965, In Recognition of Charter Members Willa Church, Lila Harrison, & Irene Tausch. Virginia Lane, President, 5/11/65. Also on the back of the pieces are these words: EPCA Bristol Silver, By Poole. We would like your thoughts as to what we should do with this silver service. The Historical Center has many such sets and will not accept it. Please send suggestions to Marijo Alexander or Liz Richardson, co-presidents.

Riverland Exhibition/ Lecture Opportunity

The Global Education Committee of Riverland proudly sponsors Dr. Chan who will present two lectures to accompany an exhibition on the Genesis of Chinese Writing and the Art of Calligraphy. This will take place on October 6th in the Austin West building, room TBA. A written Chinese character has the ability to express poetry, philosophy, emotions, show artistry, and is a unique heritage as an art form. The lectures and exhibit are intended to open the door to a broader understanding of the significance of Chinese writing and deeper understanding of their culture.

President Obama Works to Empower Women and Girls


In a speech about peace last week, President Barack Obama told the United Nations General Assembly to make sure the safety, economic security, and civil rights of women and girls are not overlooked. Obama challenged world leaders to include women at every level of society. The United States also signed a new Declaration on Women’s Participation earlier last week.


AAUW believes equity is the legal right of all women and girls. AAUW frames and fosters factual, in-depth, objective dialogue among legislators and change-makers that results in political, institutional, and legal support for women’s equity in all areas of life and work. Additionally, AAUW strongly supports breaking down economic and political barriers for women.


Supreme Court Likely to Take Up Health-Care Law


The Supreme Court could decide the constitutionality of the 2010 health-care law this term, with a decision next summer. Appeals courts that have already reviewed the Affordable Care Act, which requires all Americans to obtain health insurance, are split regarding its constitutionality. The next step for the Obama administration is to ask the Supreme Court justices to make the final determination.


AAUW believes that everyone is entitled to health care that is high-quality, affordable, and easily accessible. AAUW believes that, although not perfect by any stretch, many of the reforms included in the Affordable Care Act will improve the collective health of the American people.








Women in Saudi Arabia Allowed to Vote in 2015


Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah declared on September 25th that woman will have the right to vote and run in local elections for the first time in 2015. However, Saudi women will still be unable to serve as Cabinet ministers, drive, or travel abroad without permission from a male guardian. The announcement came just days before the next local elections, but women must wait another four years to vote.


AAUW strongly supports women exercising their political power through elections and women’s efforts to empower themselves. The need remains for equality for women in all aspects of society – educational, social, economic, and political.


Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao


Minnesota State Website:


The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:


Association e-mail: info@aauw.org

























AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912