April 2012 Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Volume 10 Number 7 April 2012

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time




Marijo Alexander and Liz Richardson, Co-Presidents

Co-President’s Thoughts


As our 2011-2012 year is winding down, let me remind you of a few opportunities for involvement. Our state convention at Ruttger’s Resort is coming up April 27 – 29. We are allowed five delegates and have $500 to help pay expenses. If you would like to stay to enjoy golfing, hiking, or shopping, the resort will allow delegates to stay three days previous and three days after for the reasonable rate of $69 per night. The Pine lists the many activities of the convention. Names need to be submitted by April 20 – please let Marijo or me know if you would like to attend.


The book sale with Friends of the Library is also that week-end. Now is the time to choose books you would like to donate and drop them off at the library. Thanks to Laura Tjomsland for coordinating this effort with the library.


We were treated to a delightful program in March by four international students entitled “It’s a Small World.” On March 15 a few of us were able to attend “Miz Wizard’s Science Secrets” assembly at the high school. Jane Curry (Miz Wizard) was an entertaining guest at dinner the evening before. Carolyn Bogott and Peggy Benzkofer are already searching for next year’s program candidate. Ideas?


At our April 10th meeting, winners of the high school Women’s History Month project will present their entries. They interviewed local women whose careers are in math, science, engineering, medicine or technology. Don’t miss this!


A big “thank you” is due Eunys Kloempken who came to the rescue when we were sent a request for “Conformance of AAUW State and Branch Bylaws with the 2011 AAUW Bylaws Revisions and Recent Changes in the Laws of Washington, D.C.” When our bylaws needed updating in 2009, Eunys worked on changes. I was confident she was the person to tackle this huge task again. She painstakingly made the changes, and after our bylaws are reviewed by our board, they will be sent on to Barb Link, our State Bylaws Chair.


Mark your calendars for May 8th, the day for our spring banquet at the Historic Hormel Home when we wrap up the year and look forward to the 2012-2013 year.


Liz Richardson


April Program


We would like to express a special thank you to the International students from Austin High School and Riverland Community College, who took time out of their busy schedules to present during our March “It’s a Small World” program. It is always so fascinating to learn about their home countries, what brought them to Austin and their impressions of our community. Our next program will take place on April 10 in Room C107 at Riverland. The winners of Andrea Malo’s Austin High School Honors History Month Projects will present on their winning projects. This year’s theme centered on Women in math, science, engineering, medicine, and technology. Please come and support the wonderful work of these students. Also, mark your calendar for May 8 for our Annual Spring Banquet at the Historic Hormel Home. Details will follow.


Nel Zellar & Kari Bain

Program Committee Co-chairs




Spring Book Sale Approaches

The annual Spring Book Sale will be held at the Public Library on Friday April 27th and Saturday April 28th. Set up will be on Thursday April 26th. This is one of our major fundraising projects. We need everyone’s help in one way or another. Donations of good used books are being collected at the Library. There are several open spots for workers. Each shift is for two hours, PLEASE sign up for at least one time slot. Bag Sale is Saturday from 3:30 – 4:30 and then we have “clean up”!! Let’s make this a great project for the group.

Laura Tjomsland, Book Sale Chair



Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.


Morning Book Group

Our A.M. Book Group will meet on Thursday, April 19, 2012, at Perkins at 9.m. Please feel welcome to join our discussion of Cleopatra, A Life, by Stacy Schiff. On May 17, our book selection will be, In the Garden of the Beasts, by Erik Larson. Team Rival, by Doris Goodwin Kearns is the choice for June 21st. Please feel welcome to join our A.M. group at any time. Please call Lois McConnell at 433-8101 with questions or suggestions.


Evening Book Group


We will be discussing Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurie on Monday, April 2nd, at the home of Carolyn Bogott at 7 PM. Please rsvp to Carolyn at csbogott@charter.net. Our May selection is The Distant Hours by Kate Morton.



Just Come


Due to a schedule conflict with the Good Friday holiday, Just Come met at the King Buffet on Friday, March 30th instead of on its regularly scheduled date. We hope you can join us in May!


Travel Group

The AAUW Travel Club will meet at the Coffee House on Main on Thursday, April 12th at 2:00 P.M. We are going to plan out several months of our future gatherings. We invite you to join us and become a part of this fun and interesting group.
Call DedaRae Graber at 433-7897 or email her at drgraber@charter.net for more information and details.


Congratulations to These Winners!

The following students have been recognized as the winners in our recently sponsored Women’s History Month competition:

Rachel Vos and Kristen Carlson:

Rosalind Franklin: The discover of the double helix/DNA

Jessica Pedersen and Ethan Johnson:

Women in Dentistry with Cassie Guy (a local dentist)


Riley Meyer: Anita Borg: An American Computer Scientist.


Carolyn Bogott

Women’s History Month Project Co-Chair





Public Policy


Mid-March a number of news and events came to my attention. I will share some of that information with you.


AAUW Responds to Limbaugh

AAUW responded promptly to the sexist and outrageous comments by Rush Limbaugh about Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who spoke out about the birth control issue. Enormous support came from members and friends regarding unethical behavior. The consequence for Limbaugh was the loss of many advertisers.


AAUW Convenes Panel on Birth Control

AAUW hosted a Re:Action panel discussion — one that Congress should have held — about women’s access to birth control. Women who participated included Sandra Fluke,AAUW’s Lisa Maatz, Sara Hutchinsonof Catholics for Choice and Ann Gerhart of the Washington Post.



AAUW Wins Federal Regulatory Battle Protecting Branch Book Sales!

The government has lifted restrictions on reselling children’s books. Books containing lead were the issue. We can Contact Beth Scott at 202-728-7617.
AAUW Hosted Grace and Grit Signing

The incomparable Lilly Ledbetter again stormed Capitol Hill last week — this time to
sign her new book, Grace and Grit: My Fight for Equal Pay and Fairness at Goodyear and Beyond. AAUW brought 100 people to the book signing. Sounds like a great book for discussion groups.
Members Called to Testify, Stand Up for Women:

Last month, Sally Goodson, president of AAUW of New Jersey, spoke about the gender pay gap at a state assembly hearing in Trenton. Sylvia Chariton, state public policy chair of AAUW of Idaho, testified in her state
legislature against a bill that would limit Idaho women’s access to reproductive health care. Thank you for standing up for women

and girls!

AAUW Speaks Out on Women in Workforce:

AAUW Senior Researcher Andresse St. Rose was quoted at length in a recent article on the
changing roles of women in the workforce and how the gender pay gap continues to hurt families.

Victory for Mansourian Plaintiffs:

Seven years ago, AAUW supported
University of California, Davis, women wrestlers in their Title IX lawsuit against the school. On February 16, the two parties finally reached an agreement to settle, with the university paying $1.35 million to the plaintiffs’ counsel for attorneys’ fees. AAUW has been credited with its support for this long-lasting struggle. In a new Title IX case, the head coach for the tennis team was fired in 2009. Kathy Bull filed suit because she believes there was retaliation for supporting charges of discrimination in the athletic department.

Public Policy (continued)


Campus Teams Address Sexual Harassment:

Seven Campus Acton Project teams are holding conferences on sexual harassment in Middle and high
schools. AAUW is hoping to see these action projects

in many areas next year.

Request Your Congressional Voting Record Today! The AAUW Action Fund’s Congressional Voting Record for the first session of the 112th Congress has arrived in paper form. To request a copy of this powerful tool — complete with a nifty pull-out poster for the It’s My Vote: I Will Be Heard campaign — to use at your AAUW event, call the Public Policy office at 202/785-7793. Hang the poster in your office, library, or other public places.

Report Summaries Now Available:

Executive summaries of AAUW’s Why So Few? Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (2010) and Crossing the Line: Sexual Harassment at School (2011) research reports are now available.

Free Webinar: Don’t Get Mad, Get Elected!

AAUW is an ally of the 2012 Project, a national, nonpartisan campaign to increase the number of
women in Congress and state legislatures. Join us Tuesday, March 27, from 1 to 2 p.m. EDT for a must-attend webinar for anyone interested in ensuring that women are represented in every level of government.
RSVP today.

It’s amazing the scope of AAUW’s activities. Food for thought for our own branch.


Evelyn Guentzel, Public Policy Chair





AAUW Board Meeting

March 13, 2012


AAUW Board met at Riverland Community College. Present were Barb Hunter, Mary Kay Wilson, Liz Richardson, Kari Bain, Carolyn Bogott.


Secretary’s report was approved.


Mary Kay reviewed the monthly financial report. Dues will remain at $65. Mary Kay also shared the proposed 2012-13 budget. An updated 2012-13 Proposed Budget will be published in upcoming newsletters, giving members the opportunity to provide feedback before the final budget is approved in July.


Suggestions for someone to take Gerry Rustad’s place as historian were solicited.


Program updates included information on the Women’s History Projects program for April. Details of the May meeting will be finalized soon. The group agreed that it will be nice to have time for socializing instead of a speaker at the May meeting.


Barb brought forth a question from the membership chairs about the necessity for reminder phone calls prior to meetings. It was decided that it is important to provide a meeting reminder either by phone or email.


The AAUW student emergency scholarship recommendation will be tabled until the April meeting.


Carolyn gave a Women’s History Month update. Five individuals contributing to three projects were selected as winners; 2 projects were completed by partners and one by an individual. It was decided to give $45 to each individual student.


The Used Book Sale will be held April 27 and 28 at the Austin Public Library. Posters were available for distribution.


The April Board Meeting will be Tuesday April 10 at Riverland, Room C107. The Board will meet at 6:00 p.m., membership will gather at 6:30 p.m. for social time, and the program will begin at 7:00 p.m.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,


Kari Bain for Ruth Monson, Secretary

Membership Dues 3,900.00
Fund Raiser-House Tour B/4 Exp.
Estimated Carry Over 6,000.00
Other Fund Raiser 1,000.00
Fund Raiser-Book Sale 1,500.00
Total Receipts $12,400.00
National Dues 2,940.00
State Dues 540.00
AAUW Funds 850.00
Advertising 100.00
Candidate Forum 50.00
Directory 25.00
Fund Raiser 100.00
Gifts 100.00
Hospitality 50.00
Insurance 150.00
National Convention 1,000.00
Newsletter 15.00
Postage 50.00
Scholarships 2,000.00
Space Rental 150.00
Speakers/Programs 300.00
State Convention 500.00
Women’s History Initiative
Awards 225.00
Program 1,000.00
Miscellaneous 50.00
Total Expenses $10,195.00
Proposed Budget Receipts vs Expenses $2,205.00








AAUW Monthly Financial Report
March 2012
Period: 3/1/12-3/31/12
Opening Balance: $6,682.28
Dues Received 65.00
Total Income: $65.00 $6,747.28
Postage 9.00
Women’s Hist – Awards 225.00
National Dues 49.00
State Dues 9.00
Adverstising 15.00
Total Disbursements: $307.00
Closing Balance 3/31/12 $6,440.28




Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao


Minnesota State Website:


The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:


Association e-mail: info@aauw.org

























AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912