March 2012 Newsletter

Southern Highlights


Volume 10 Number 6 March 2012

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time




Marijo Alexander and Liz Richardson, Co-Presidents

Co-President’s Thoughts

Since I have been away care-giving the last two weeks, I missed our last program. I believe it was very timely. It was timely because this fall the “marriage amendment” to Minnesota’s constitution will be on the ballot for its citizens to decide how they wish to treat another issue of equal rights.


You recently received the spring issue of the Pine. Please keep abreast of what is happening in AAUW statewide by reading it. What the state organization is doing and what is happening in other affiliates concerns us too.


I hope you are finding time to participate in at least one of our small groups. In them you not only are learning and sharing, but also becoming better acquainted with fellow members, a real bonus.


An exciting program is being planned for our branch in March. We will be celebrating Women’s History Month at high school assembly and at our membership meeting. Read specifics in another article and plan to attend.


Liz Richardson


March Program

A big thank you to all who took time out of their Valentine’s Evening for our very special program “Our Love is as Good as Yours”. Our group learned firsthand, through the eyes of panelists who will be directly affected, the impact of the Anti-Marriage Amendment that will be on the ballot this upcoming election. If you weren’t at the program, please take time to study this amendment and the enormous human rights issues associated with it. Our next program will take place on March 13 at Riverland Community College Room C107. Coffee and treats begin at 6:30 followed by the program at 7:00. This month’s program is entitled “It’s a Small World” and will include presentations by international students studying in Austin.

Nel Zellar & Kari Bain

Program Committee Co-chairs

Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.


Morning Book Group


Our Morning Book Group will meet on Thursday, March 15, at 9 a.m. at Home Plate Restaurant (formerly Tolly’s). The book selection for discussion is Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett. PLEASE bring suggestions for book reads for the next three months. Please feel welcome to join our morning group. Call Lois McConnell at 433-8101 with questions or suggestions.


Evening Book Group


We will be discussing the Page Turners’ selection Deadly Reunion by Ron Handberg on Monday, March 5th at 7 PM at the home of Sue Grove. Please RSVP Sue at Our April selection will be Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurie.


Just Come


Just Come Lunch will be at the Old Mill on Friday, March 2nd at 11:30 AM. RSVP to Dorothy Krob at or 437-2855 by Wed., Feb. 29th.


Travel Group

The AAUW Travel Club will be meeting on Thursday, March 8th at 3:00 PM at the home of Sue Grove (2301 15th Ave. SW). Sue will be sharing some of her adventures from when she has traveled several times in France. We look forward to another interesting and informative program. Please RSVP to DedaRae (433-7897) by Wednesday, March 7th. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you there.





Womens’ History Month Activities

Andrea Malo’s Honors American History students have their project topics. They are being asked to interview local women whose careers are in the math, science, engineering, medicine, technology, or related fields to find out perspectives on how opportunities for women in those fields have changed over the last two generations. Or the students may choose to investigate an American woman who has achieved significant recognition in one of the above fields and tell about the history of her experiences in her training and professional life. The project presentations will be March 8th from 12 – 3 PM. If you would like to help with the judging that day, please contact Carolyn Bogott (433-4457) or Peggy Benzkofer 433-5934.

Our Women’s History Month Assembly will be held on March 15, at 8:45, featuring Jane Curry, a professional presenter from Minneapolis. She presents nationally and internationally. She is giving a dramatic presentation called “Miz Wizard’s Science Secrets”. If you would like to attend there is guest seating for branch members down in the front center of Knowlton Auditorium. There will also be an opportunity to have an early lunch with Jane Curry after the performance.

Winners of the project contest will be announced at the start of the assembly. The winners will be invited to present their project to you at the April branch meeting.

Thank you for your continued support for this effort, both financial and “moral”. We are so fortunate to have the cooperation of Andrea Malo with this project.

If you have ideas for our 2013 Women’s History Month theme or for the assembly program, contact Carolyn and Peggy. We always welcome your help!

Carolyn Bogott

Women’s History Month Project Co-Chair


Historian Wanted!

Have a fancy for making history (or at least capturing it for others to remember?!). Gerry Rustad is retiring from her post as our chapter’s historian & we are looking for someone to fill her shoes. If you are interested and would like more details about this important appointment, please contact Gerry or Marijo.




Defense of Marriage Act Provisions Deemed Unconstitutional

A federal judge appointed by a Republican president has ruled provisions of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) unconstitutional, citing the law’s “blatant disregard of the well-accepted concept of federalism in the area of domestic relations.” The ruling by the George W. Bush appointee comes as a blow to House GOP leaders who have hired lawyers to defend DOMA in court after the Obama administration announced it would no longer do so.


Additionally, the U.S. Department of Justice recently said it will not defend the constitutionality of a DOMA statute that prevents same-sex partners of veterans or members of the military from receiving federal benefits. The Obama administration also announced it intends to finalize regulations that would advance benefits for the same-sex partners of federal employees.


AAUW believes that the Defense of Marriage Act should be repealed and opposes any attempts to use the Constitution or federal law as a vehicle for enshrining discrimination. AAUW firmly believes that no American should be denied the full range of civil rights and civil liberties due to sexual orientation or gender identity. We are committed to vigorous protection of and full access to civil and constitutional rights as well as freedom in the definition of family and a guarantee of civil rights in all family structures.




Study: Most Low-Wage Workers Lack Access to Employer Insurance Coverage


A new report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research at Georgetown University found that only 26 percent of low-wage workers—defined as those in the bottom 20 percent of hourly wages—received health insurance through their employers in 2010. In addition, the rate of low-wage workers who are uninsured rose from 16 percent in 1979 to 39 percent in 2010. The report notes that if the new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, is repealed, the coverage rates for low-income Americans will decline even further.


AAUW believes that everyone is entitled to health care that is high quality, affordable, and easily accessible. AAUW is hopeful that the health care law will substantially improve a system that has not worked as well as it needs to for far too long.


Study: Most Low-Wage Workers Lack Access to Employer Insurance Coverage


A new report from the Center for Economic and Policy Research at Georgetown University found that only 26 percent of low-wage workers—defined as those in the bottom 20 percent of hourly wages—received health insurance through their employers in 2010. In addition, the rate of low-wage workers who are uninsured rose from 16 percent in 1979 to 39 percent in 2010. The report notes that if the new health care law, the Affordable Care Act, is repealed, the coverage rates for low-income Americans will decline even further.


AAUW believes that everyone is entitled to health care that is high quality, affordable, and easily accessible. AAUW is hopeful that the health care law will substantially improve a system that has not worked as well as it needs to for far too long.


-As Written in AAUW’s Washington Update


AAUW Board Meeting

February 14, 2012


AAUW Board met at the Austin Public Library. Present were Marijo Alexander, Carolyn Bogott, DedaRae Graber, Sue Grove, Barb Hunter, Marsha Kuehne, Ruth Monson, Bonnie Rietz, Gerry Rustad, Mary Kay Wilson and Nel Zellar.


Secretary’s report was approved. Mary Kay read a thank you note from Steve Bowron from the Riverland Foundation.


A discussion took place about ideas for increasing AAUW membership and fundraising ideas for this fall were shared.


Sue and Marijo reported on AAUW scholarships. A discussion took place regarding using some scholarship money as needed for student emergencies. Bonnie and Sue will talk to Steve Bowron at the Riverland Foundation to see how this fund could be set up.


Carolyn gave a Women’s History Month update. Judging will take place on March 8. Carolyn will be looking for members to serve as judges. The Women’s History Month assembly will take place at Austin High School on March 15 at 8:45 a.m. “Ms. Wiz” (Jane Curry) will present a program about women and science.


The Nominating Committee presented the following nominees for 2012-2013 officer positions:

Co-Presidents: Marijo Alexander (3rd year) and Sue Grove (new)

Membership: Barb Hunter (2nd year) and Kathy Kester (new)

Program: Kari Bain (2nd year) and Yesenia Mendoza (new)

The board approved the candidates.


“Mission in Motion” and our AAUW 3-year strategic plan are due on March 15. Marijo will be working on this.


Newsletter items need to be submitted to Rae Dawn on or before February 24 and Board agenda items need to be submitted to Liz and Marijo on or before March 6.


Silent auction items are requested at the State Convention (April 27-29). Marijo suggested that we donate a wine basket.


Gerry Rustad announced that she will be resigning as AAUW Historian.


The March Board Meeting will be Tuesday, March 13 at Riverland, Room C107. The Board will meet at 6:00 p.m., membership will gather at 6:30 p.m. for social time, and the program will begin at 7:00 p.m.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Monson, Secretary













AAUW Monthly Financial Report
February 2012
Period: 2/1/12-2/29/12
Opening Balance: $7,441.08
Total Income: $ – $7,441.08
Newsletter – Postage 8.80
Women’s Hist – Speaker 750.00
Total Disbursements: $758.80
Closing Balance 2/29/12 $6,682.28



Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao

Minnesota State Website:

The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:

Association e-mail:

























AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912