November 2011 Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Volume 10 Number 3 November 2011

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time




Marijo Alexander and Liz Richardson, Co-Presidents

Co-President’s Thoughts

Our lifetime member Gudrun (Gudy) Bulger will be turning 90 on November 16! Let’s shower her with birthday cards. She is a resident at St. Mark’s Lutheran Home, 400 – 15 Ave. SW. She would be so pleased to hear from you.


We were reminded at the October meeting at the Welcome Center that many recent residents here are not prepared for winter with warm clothing. If you have an extra coat or two, the Welcome Center would be happy to find a grateful recipient.


Our membership has passed the 60 mark now! If you know someone with a two or four year degree, please invite her to join us.


Since we are not hosting a candidates’ forum for the upcoming school board elections we encourage you to attend the League of Women Voters forum at City Council Chambers on Wednesday, November 2, at 7 p.m.


We have a website at thanks to Marie Lechelt, our webmaster. This website also has links to our state and national organization, as well as the other state branches. I hope you are all checking this occasionally.


Marijo and I would appreciate a couple volunteers to be on the nominating committee. We will both be finishing our second term in May. There may be an opening on program and on membership also. We have many very able women in our group who could easily fill these positions. Please volunteer if you’re willing to serve.


Liz Richardson


November Program

American Education Week is celebrated each November. Please plan to join us on November 8 for a program presented by Sheila Berger, principal of Sumner Elementary School. The meeting will be held at Riverland Community College in Room C107. Sheila will discuss the new 45/15 continuous school calendar. She will also inform us about the unique opportunities, as well as the challenges, present in today’s schools. It promises to be an interesting and enlightening discussion. November 8 is Election Day, so please remember to vote first and then come for autumn treats during the social time beginning at 6:30 p.m. The program will start at 7:00 p.m. We hope to see you all on the 8th!


Nel Zellar & Kari Bain

Program Committee Co-chairs

Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.


Morning Book Group


We will meet on Thursday, November 10th at Jerry’s Other Place at 9a.m.(THIS IS A CHANGE OF DATE FOR NOVEMBER ONLY.) Our book selection for November will be Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese. For Thursday, December 15, our book selection is The Dog Who Came in from the Cold by Alexander McCall Smith. Please call Lois McConnell at 433-8101 if you wish to join our book group. We meet the third Thursday of each month at Jerry’s Other Place at 9:00 AM unless otherwise announced.



Evening Book Group


We will meet on November 7th at 7 PM at the home of Sue Howard to discuss The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Please RSVP to Sue at For our December gathering, we will discuss Shadow Baby by Alison McGhee.


Just Come


We will meet on Friday, November 4th at China Star (east of Wal-Mart) at 11:30. Please RSVP to Peggy Benzkofer at


Travel Group

The AAUW Travel Club will be meeting at 2:00 P.M. on Thursday, November 17th at Riverland College (room TBA). Please note that this is the third Thursday and not the second Thursday. Sue Grove has arranged to have Mr. Jim Wegner present and share with us photos and information on the “Artwork of Provence.”

This should be an extremely interesting program. If you plan to attend, please let DedaRae know via email or phone by Tuesday, November 15th.


Great Decisions

We will meet on November 28th. Time and location are TBD.



Welcome New Members!

We are happy to welcome five new members to Austin AAUW. Helen Knutsen, Jayna Heimark and the following member who have shared a bit about themselves below.

Michelle Eddy – I decided to join AAUW because I was looking for ways to meet new people and become involved in the community. I actually just moved to Austin in August for an Americorps VISTA position at Riverland Community College. I also had gone to an AAUW meeting while I was in college, and so I was aware of the organization. I graduated this last spring from the University of Wisconsin – La Crosse with a major in Psychology and a minor in Environmental Studies.


Nancy Dobberman – I moved to Austin three years ago from Washington, DC to be closer to my children and grandchildren. I joined AAUW to meet more women in the area with similar interests. While in Washington I worked for almost 30 years in various accounting positions in several associations. My last job was as Vice President of Finance for the National Apartment Association.


Nancy Arneson – I re-joined AAUW this year because I recently retired and am looking for things to keep my brain engaged! I like your programs, your book meetings, your scholarships, and just hanging out with educated, interesting women. I am finding retirement to be very busy with grandchildren and my mother who has Alzheimer’s, so this will be a welcome change. I am a retired music educator and, as most of you know, music continues to be a big part of my life. I am looking forward to enjoying this organization and activities. I have already enjoyed participating in the house tour again and was happy to see what a success it was. I hope we can all work together to accomplish good things and enjoy each other’s company.


Public Policy

Occasionally I respond to AAUW’s “Take Action” memos. Here is an example of one response I wrote recently to Senators Franken and Klobuchar. AAUW provides thorough information and says it is more
effective to put ideas into one’s own words, which I have done. Consider taking action yourself. It feels good to let these folks know about AAUW’s Public Policy positions.
Dear Senator Franken:

As your constituent, I join with the American Association of University Women (AAUW) in urging you to support hard-won victories of the women’s and civil rights movements by ending the “judicial emergency” created by vacancies in courtrooms nationwide. Please contact Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnelland demand action on federal judicial nominees from our great state.

We are hoping for a shield for civil rights laws affecting women, namely Title IX and the Equal Pay Act, health care, education, and employment. The 112th Congress has been slow to act on the
confirmation process. We also hope to see continued confirmation of women from diverse backgrounds.
Ninety-two vacancies on Federal courts are too many and place a tremendous burden on the judicial system

As Public Policy Chair for the Austin, Minnesota, branch of AAUW, I urge you to ensure that the civil and constitutional rights and individual liberties are protected by the judiciary for women and men.
AAUW’s 2011-2013 Public Policy Program supports “a fair balanced and independent judiciary.”

Please speak with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to make sure our state’s federal court vacancies are filled as quickly as possible and move all consensus
nominations to the Senate floor immediately for confirmation. I look forward to hearing back from you.

Evelyn Guentzel





Report: More Students Turn to Private Loans


The Education Department’s National Center for Education Statistics released a report that found more students took out private loans while enrollment at for-profit colleges soared and the economy weakened. The report showed that between 2003-2004 and 2007-2008, the percentage of undergraduates with private student loans rose from 5 percent to 14 percent. The increase was steepest for students at for-profit colleges.

AAUW supports making college more affordable for all students, who face student aid and family incomes that have not risen at the same rate as college tuition. Investment in higher education is especially critical during difficult economic times, when education is the most direct route to innovation, job creation, and long-term economic self-sufficiency.


UK’s First-Born, Regardless of Gender, to Inherit Throne


The leaders of all 16 Commonwealth countries which recognize British Queen Elizabeth as head of state agreed unanimously on October 28th to change the 1701 Act of Settlement. The 310-year-old law had stated that a male heir takes precedence over female siblings for the throne. Since the wedding of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge, however, there has been an intensive push to update the laws to ensure the couple’s firstborn will be the heir, regardless of gender.

House Tour Financial Report 2011

September 25, 2011
House Tour Tickets Sold 5,580.00
Donation 10.00
Total Income: $ 5,590.00
Printing 80.69
Insurance 75.00
Chamber of Commerce gift 100.00
Pictures 40.00
Supplies 42.99
Total Disbursements: $338.68
Net Profit 5251.32
Tickets Sold: 5580/15=372


AAUW Monthly Financial Report

September 2011

Dues Received 65.00
House Tour Income 70.00
Total Income: $135.00 $8,534.82
Membership Book Printing 19.74
National Dues 66.00
State Dues 27.00
Total Disbursements: $112.74
Closing Balance 10/31/11 $8,422.08

AAUW Board Meeting

October 11, 2011

AAUW Board met at the Welcome Center in Austin. Secretary’s report was approved. Mary Kay questioned how much money should be given to the national AAUW fund, and how much should be kept at the local level for scholarships. This discussion was tabled until our November board meeting.


Marijo distributed an updated board and member meeting schedule. Marijo reported that Marie will update the local AAUW website twice per year. Barb reported that there are 61 paid members, including five new members.


Gerry reported that the House Tour was very successful (See the financial report). DedaRae will keep the signs and notes from this year’s tour.


Women’s History Month update was tabled until next month. A thank-you note from AAUW scholarship recipient Titian Butash was read. A discussion took place regarding the silver tea service that was donated in 1965. Liz will call the former president to gather more information about who donated the tea service.


Marijo reported on the poll taken regarding the recording of minutes at the general meetings. Ten people felt that minutes do not need to be taken; two felt that they should be taken, and four people did not have an opinion. Minutes will not be taken at the monthly general meetings, except for the May general meeting. Marijo asked for people to consider serving on the nominating committee. Both Marijo and Liz will be at the end of their term in the summer of 2012.


The November Board meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. on November 8 at Riverland Community College, Room C107.


Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Monson, Secretary


Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao

Minnesota State Website:

The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:

Association e-mail:

























AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912