Southern Highlights – May Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Volume 9 Number 8 May 2011

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time













Marijo Alexander and Liz Richardson, Co-Presidents

Co-President’s Column


We hope to see all of you at our end-of-the year banquet celebration on May 10. Our program committee has arranged an enjoyable evening at the Hormel Historic Home. If somehow the callers miss you, please call either Sandy at 433-9150 or Marcia at 433-7823.


The program will include installation of new officers for the 2011-2012 year and recognition of outgoing officers. We’re grateful to all who have served on our board this year.


As you read this the state convention in Winona will be a thing of the past, but as I write it six of us are planning to attend: Sue Grove, Marijo Alexander, Ellen Stark, Carolyn Bogott, Gerry Rustad, and myself. “Bridging the Gap for Women and Girls” is the theme of the convention. Highlights of the week-end include Lulu Sun, an LAF Plaintiff speaking at the Saturday noon luncheon and Linda Hallman, Executive Director of AAUW, conducting a town hall meeting for members.


I am looking forward to attending the national convention in Washington, D.C. in June. Thank you for sending me as your co-president. Marijo is not able to go as her son is getting married on June 18.

Thank you for being part of AAUW this year. We hope to see everyone back next fall. Dues are remaining at $65.00 – a real deal when you consider the great programs and good fellowship with people involved in our organization.




Liz Richardson




May Program


The AAUW spring banquet is being held at the Hormel House on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 from 5:30 to 9:00. The buffet line opens at 6 PM. The meal is $12.99 per person. The room is reserved for 30+ and HyVEE needs our anticipated number on Monday morning, May 9th. The “callers” need to give Dani the final number by the day before the banquet. Our buffet menu includes roast beef and herb baked chicken, baby red potatoes with parsley, steamed vegetable medley, fresh fruit/ melon salad, warm ciabatta rolls and cheese cake with assorted toppings. There will be a program by Shawn Martin from Riverland Community College on ‘The Use of Social Media to Overcome Time & Distance’. We hope to see you there!


Dani Heiny, Sue Howard & Nel Zellar

Program Committee Co-chairs

Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.


Morning Book Group

The A.M. Book Group will meet on Thursday, May 19 at 9:00 at Jerry’s Other Place. We will be discussing The Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver. The read for June will be The Latehomecomer byYang, and in July we will read StillAlice.


Evening Book Group

Stone Heart: A Novel of Sacajawea by Diane Glancy will be the focus of our discussion on Monday, May 16th at Dorothy Krob’s house, 2203 W. Oakland. Sue Grove will lead the discussion. Please contact Dorothy at if you plan to attend. We will not meet again until August 16th at Sue Howard’s, when we will make our book selections for 2011-2012.



Just Come

The “Just Come” Lunch Group will be meeting on Friday, May 6th at 11:30 at Ruby’s Restaurant in Oak Park Mall. Long-standing members of this group will receive an e-mail or phone call to get your response, but all AAUW members are welcome. Please let Eunys Kloempken know via email ( or phone (437-1126) before Thursday, May 5th. Thank you. We look forward to seeing you there.


Travel Group

The Travel Club will not be meeting during the month of May. Have a great summer!






Library Used Book Sale



“Spring Cleaning Time” – Recycle your good used books. The annual Used Book Sale is set for May 13th and 14th. Set up will be in the days prior to the sale. We need EVERYONE to help with this fund raising event, as it is one of the most profitable things we do each year. Each shift is for only a couple of hours, if we all do our part it will be another very successful sale. Sign up slots are still available on each day (Thursday – Saturday).

Laura Tjomsland, Book Sale Chair


AAUW Board Meeting

April 26, 2011


AAUW Board met April 26th at Sue Howard’s home. Present were Liz
Richardson, Marijo Alexander, Mary Kay Wilson, Sue Howard, DedaRae Graber, Sandy Folk, Sue Grove and Ellen Stark.


Minutes were read and approved.


Treasurer reported a balance of $4055.12. Mary Kay presented a proposed budget, which will be published in the newsletter and voted on at the summer workshop. Motion was made and seconded that the dues for 2011 – 2012 remain at $65.00. Motion carried. Dues are payable at the spring banquet with a separate check.


The Spring Banquet will be held at the Hormel Historic Home on May 10th at 5:30 PM. Details will be published in the May newsletter.


Motion was made and seconded to adjourn.


Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Stark, Secretary



AAUW Monthly Financial Report

April 2011
Period: 4/1/11-4/30/11
Opening Balance: $4,067.11
Total Income: $ – $4,067.11
Miscellaneous – Scrapbook 11.99
Total Disbursements: $11.99
Closing Balance 4/30/11 $4,055.12
















National Dues 2,695.00
State Dues 495.00
AAUW Funds 850.00
Advertising 100.00
Candidate Forum 50.00
Directory 25.00
Fund Raiser 250.00
Gifts 100.00
Hospitality 50.00
Insurance 200.00
National Convention
Newsletter 15.00
Postage 50.00
Scholarships 2,000.00
Space Rental 150.00
Speakers/Programs 300.00
State Convention 500.00
Women’s History Initiative
Awards 225.00
Program 1,000.00
Miscellaneous 50.00
Total Expenses $9,105.00



Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao

Minnesota State Website:

The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:

Association e-mail:

























AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912