March 2011 Newletter

Southern Highlights

Volume 9 Number 6 March 2011

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time













Marijo Alexander and Liz Richardson, Co-Presidents

Co-President’s Column

We were treated to another excellent program on February 8 when Sue Howard presented the film “Lives for Sale.” The human trafficking problems shown in the film made us resentful and angry of how women and girls are treated, and but also thankful to not be in those circumstances. Much needs to be done to eliminate this problem.

Another problem surfacing in Minnesota is a proposal to repeal the fair pay laws for women. The majority party introduced legislation that would repeal the 1984 Local Government Pay Equity Act. Our retired members may not be directly affected by this law, but our daughters and granddaughters certainly will. You’ll remember the recent national debate about the Lily Ledbetter case which was showcased at the last AAUW national convention. Lily was a supervisor at a Goodyear Tire and Rubber plant in Alabama and didn’t discover until nearing retirement that her male colleagues earned much more than she did. In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out the case, ruling that she should have filed her suit within 180 days of the date that Goodyear first paid her less than her male counterparts. Four in ten Minnesota mothers are now the primary breadwinner in their family and women’s wages constitute 40 – 50% of married family income on average. Minnesota was the first state to pass pay equity laws – let’s certainly not fall back on this.

Our nominating committee, Ann Odegaard assisted by Joyce Goetz, has filled the positions that are becoming vacant on the Board. We thank Ann and Joyce, for completing this task, and thank you to those who have said “yes.”

Liz Richardson


March Program

Our March general meeting and program will be held on Tuesday, March 8th at Riverland Community College in Room C107. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 PM with the meeting and program beginning at 7 PM. Nel Zellar will be presenting on ‘Georgia – Travel to the Post Soviet Union’. Nel’s work with a student from that area peaked her interest in this country. We hope to see you there!

Dani Heiny, Sue Howard & Nel Zellar

Program Committee Co-chairs


This is our seventh year of sponsoring a women’s history month project contest in cooperation with the Honors History teacher at Austin High School. This year’s project topics are:

1. Profile and describe the struggle for the vote for women through the eyes of one of the leaders of the women’s suffragist movement.

2. Trace your family history. Research and describe your family’s arrival in this country emphasizing women’s roles.

3. Write a short historically accurate play explaining the fight for women’s suffrage.

Students must use both primary and secondary sources, if possible.

The projects will be judged on Thursday, March 3, from 11:30 to 3 PM. If you can take part in the judging, please let Carolyn Bogott or Peggy Benzkofer know by phone or email. It is lots of fun and not one bit difficult. Or if you just want to stop by and see the projects, all are welcome. It is part of the process for the students to explain what they have learned.

The all school assembly is scheduled for Wednesday, March 9 at 10:10. There are seats available for us at the center front of the auditorium. We will give the student awards for the project contest at the beginning of the assembly The assembly presentation will be given by Riverland students and staff, telling about their experiences as the firsts in their families to attend college. Our branch program co-president, Dani Heiny will be the emcee and panel moderator. Branch member, Yesenia Mendoza will be a panel member, along with three students, Afaf Anyel, Sudanese, Martha Rodriguez, Mexican American, and Fufa Worku, Ethiopian. We hope this will be an inspiring program for students who do not have a family tradition of college attendance.

Carolyn Bogott and Peggy Benzkofer,

Women’s History Project Co-Chairs

Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.

Morning Book Group

Morning book group will not meet in March. Our April read is Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett. Meet at Jerry’s Other Place on Thursday, April 21, at 9:00 a.m. The book for May is Lacuna by Barbara Kingsolver.

Evening Book Group

Evening book group will be discussing the Austin Page Turner’s selection The Late Homecomer by Kao Kalia Yang on MONDAY, March 21st at 7 PM at the home of Peggy Benzkofer (104 21st St. NW). Note this is a date change from what was previously scheduled. Please RSVP to or 433-5934. All AAUW members welcome!

Just Come

The “Just Come” Noon Lunch Group will meet on Friday, March 4th at 11:30 AM at the China Star (in the strip mall east of Wal-Mart). Please call Peggy Benzkofer at 433-5934 if you plan to attend. Any member of AAUW is welcome.

Travel Group

The Travel Club will not be meeting during the month of March. Several of our members are gone………traveling. We recommend that the members of the Travel Club attend the regular March meeting as Nel Zellar will be speaking on her experiences in the country of Georgia. We look forward to hearing Nel’s program.


We want to welcome our newest member to AAUW! Please add Jenny to your Membership Directories.

Jenny Reid

BS in Computer Science from Augsburg College

Packaging Scientist with Hormel Foods

1305 2nd St. NW, Austin, MN.


Sandy Folk, Membership Co-Chair

Library Used Book Sale

“Spring Cleaning Time” – Recycle your good used books. The annual Used Book Sale is set for May 13th and 14th. Set up will be in the days prior to the sale. We need EVERYONE to help with this fund raising event, as it is one of the most profitable things we do each year. Each shift is for only a couple of hours, if we all do our part it will be another very successful sale. Sign up slots are still available on each day (Thursday – Saturday). I do need a co-chair for this sale, so please give me a call at 219-1452 to lend a helping hand or sign up for a time slot.

Laura Tjomsland, Book Sale Chair



Resolution Proposal – MN AAUW

St Cloud Branch has submitted a Resolution to the Resolutions committee for the State convention. Please read over this proposed resolution so we may discuss and come to a consensus at a future meeting. The resolution reads:

Resolution on a Biennial State Convention

WHEREAS AAUW of Minnesota has a long reputation for stable effective leadership, has an efficient, effective organizational structure, and values the conservation of time and resources; and,

WHEREAS AAUW of Minnesota values the participation of its members in branch, state, and national AAUW activities, wishes to maximize the participation of its members in AAUW activities at local, state and national levels, and has multiple ways to foster inter-branch synergy, such as leadership conferences; and,

WHEREAS AAUW of Minnesota wishes to maximize funds going to AAUW mission-critical activities; and wishes to minimize organization expenses,

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that AAUW of Minnesota move to a biennial state convention to be held in years alternate to AAUW’s national convention.


The state board of AAUW of Minnesota will establish a special committee to examine the economic and organizational values of a biennial state convention and will identify the necessary bylaws changes to make such a change workable. This special state committee will report its findings with recommendations to the 2012 state convention of AAUW of Minnesota for further action by the voting members at that convention.


Here are some highlights from February memos from AAUW.

–Women’s Health Targeted as Political Pawn

A recent overview of state-level reproductive health legislation revealed a widespread attempt across multiple levels of government to limit women’s access to comprehensive health care. Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision, Roe vs. Wade state legislatures have enacted nearly 400 measures limiting women’s access to reproductive health services. How is Minnesota doing? AAUW trusts that every woman as the ability to make her own informed decisions and choices regarding her health and believes that such deeply personal decisions should be made on an individual basis, not legislated along party lines.

–New Information on the Wage Gap

This week, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released a chart illustrating the gender wage gap for full-time work by industry. Overall, women in wage and salary jobs had median weekly earnings of $657 in 2009 compared with $819 for men. Though these averages show women’s earnings at 80 percent of men’s, there were marked variations in the wage gap by industry. The largest gaps in women’s-to-men’s earnings ratios were seen in financial activities (71 percent) and other services (72 percent), and the smallest gaps were found in construction (92 percent) and agriculture and related industries (85 percent). In education and health services, where the largest segment of full-time women workers are employed (38%), women earn 77 percent of men’s salaries. AAUW is committed to supporting fairness in compensation, equitable access and advancement in employment, and vigorous enforcement of employment antidiscrimination statutes. This year, Equal Pay Day is April 12. Keep an eye out for events and ideas on!

–Depression, Finances Cause Students to Drop Out of College

A new study by Michigan State University identifies the major factors causing students to consider dropping out of college, including depression and loss of financial aid. Surprisingly, events such as a death in the family or the failure to get accepted into their desired major do not significantly influence students’ decisions to leave school. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, more than two-fifths of US students fail to receive a bachelor’s degree within six years at the institution where they began their studies. The new analysis may help combat college withdrawal by identifying appropriate counseling or assistance programs schools should target to better aid students. AAUW believes ensuring and increasing access to higher education is imperative to helping women obtain financial security and economic independence. AAUW places particular importance on access to higher education for nontraditional students; ensuring students can stay in school to complete a degree; and increasing financial aid.

–New Federal Regulations to Affect AAUW Book Sales

AAUW branches holding book sales must be aware of new lead regulations now in effect. Two facts must be known before selling any book. First, is the book intended for children 12 and younger? If not, there are no restrictions on its sale. If yes, was it published before 1986? If not, there are also no restrictions on its sale. If yes, the branch must either not sell the book or get it certified as safe by a CSPC lab. Please contact AAUW’s regulatory affairs manager Beth Scott at if the presence of lead is confirmed during this testing. While branches must comply with current regulation for now, AAUW believes the overly strict law should be changed. We are lobbying Congress to end this regulation by passing H.R. 272. It would exempt books from the CSPC’s lead standards.

–Another assault on women’s equity:

A bill has been introduced in the Minnesota Legislature (House file 7/Senate File 159) to repeal Minnesota’s Local Government Pay Equity Law. What does this law, which has been in effect since 1984, do? It says that women employees of local governments must get paid equally to male employees who do work of equal value. The law works. A similar law for Minnesota’s state employees has now closed the gap between what women make and what men make for work of equal value. So far, this law has brought 94% of the local governments into compliance for their female employees. In contrast, women across the board were still making slightly more than 77% in 2009! Our sisters, mothers, daughters and friends should be paid the same for comparable work. Sometimes they are the sole income for their families. In the end, women have lower pensions and less income from social security when they retire.

Eveyln Guentzel

Public Policy Chair



AAUW Board Meeting

February 22, 2011

AAUW Board met February 22 at Ellen Stark’s home. Present were Liz Richardson, Joyce Goetz, Sue Howard, Peggy Benzkofer, Sandy Folk, Laura Tjomsland, and Ellen Stark.

Secretary’s minutes were read and approved.

Kudos was given to membership chairs for excellent work in increasing membership this year. We have one more new member for a total of 65.

Women’s History month project judging will be March 3 from 11:30 to 3:00. Interested members are invited to help. The program will be a panel of two students from Riverland who were the first in their families to go to college. Dani will MC. Motion was made by Laura and seconded by Sue to give a $25.00 stipend to each of the panelists. Motion carried.

Treasurer reported a balance of $4497.11. The proposed 2011 – 2012 was presented and discussed.

Motion was made by Liz and seconded by Sue to support Page Turners with a $100.00 donation. Motion carried.

Workers are needed to help with the Book Sale May 13 – 14 and also to help set up May 12. Sign up with Laura. Small groups reported. Rae Dawn needs newsletter information by Wednesday, Feb. 23

The Strategic Plan was discussed. It was suggested we delete reference to the Younkers Fundraiser. Motion was made by Laura to approve the Strategic Plan with that modification. Motion was seconded and carried.

The nominating committee has secured a slate of candidates. They will be presented at the next general meeting. March 8th meeting will be at Riverland and feature Nel Zellar’s travels to Georgia. The March 22nd board meeting will be at Marijo Alexander’s home.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Stark

AAUW Monthly Financial Report
February 2011
Period: 2/1/11-2/28/11
Opening Balance: $4,569.41
Dues 32.50
Total Income: $32.50 $4,601.91
National Dues 73.50
State Dues 22.50
Austin Page Turners 100.00
Postage 8.80
Total Disbursements: $204.80
Closing Balance 2/28/11 $4,397.11


Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.

Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao

Minnesota State Website:

The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:

Association e-mail:



















AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912