February 2011 Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Volume 9 Number 5 February 2011

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time


Marijo Alexander and Liz Richardson, Co-Presidents

Co-President’s Column

It is not too early to begin thinking about our Minnesota state convention. It will be held in Winona this year on April 29, 30 and May 1. We hope several of our members will be able to attend at least one day. Besides inspirational speakers and information about the branches an added highlight this year will be the Minnesota Marine Art Museum on the beautiful Mississippi River. The fall edition of The Pine has more information on the convention.

If you were unable to attend the January meeting you missed a very entertaining and interesting speaker. Author Alison McGhee, a Minnesota author who currently teaches at Metropolitan University in Minneapolis and St. Paul, and has written novels and short stories of all sorts for all ages, was with us. She read from “Shadow Baby” which won a Pulitzer Prize. She writes for picture books of all ages, and read from several more of her books. Our thanks to Nel Zeller for inviting Alison to speak to our group.

If you would like to have a part in choosing officers for next year, you will want to join the nominating committee. Let Marijo or I know. Our officers play a large part in determining the direction of AAUW and the nominating committee determines the officers.

We received $74.58 from Younker’s for our part in last fall’s fundraiser, which brings our final total to $969.58. That’s terrific – thanks for your part!

President Obama’s message Tuesday evening praised those who are the first in their family to go to college. Hmm, I wonder how many of our members were the first in their family.

Visit the One Member, One Vote section of AAUW’s website (aauw.org) for complete details on this year’s historic AAUW election. For the first time, all current members will be able to vote in the election.

If you would like to enter the annual artist contest you may do so online through February 4. See details and past winners at AAUW’s website. Our own Dorothy Krob was a winner a few years ago.

Liz Richardson


February Program

We will meet on February 8th at the Austin Public Library’s Large Meeting Room to view a program entitled ‘Lives for Sale’ which deals with human trafficking of women from Mexico. After viewing the program we will have a brief discussion. There will also be informational handouts available on this world-wide problem. Refreshments will be served at 6:30 PM with the meeting/ program to follow at 7 PM.

Dani Heiny, Sue Howard & Nel Zellar

Program Committee Co-chairs


Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.

Morning Book Group

The morning book group will meet at Jerry’s Other Place on Thursday, Feb. 17 at 9:00. We will discuss the nonfiction book Manhunt about the capture of John Wilkes Booth. New members are always welcome. Call Liz Richardson (433-7655) with questions. This group will not meet in March.

Evening Book Group

Evening book group will be discussing Little Bee by Chris Cleave on MONDAY, February 21st at 7 PM at the home of Carolyn Bogott. Note this is a date change from what was previously scheduled. Please RSVP to csbogott@charter.net.

Just Come

The “Just Come” Noon Lunch Group will meet on Friday, February 4th, at Steve’s Pizza at 11:30. Please let DedaRae know is you plan to attend via email (drgraber@charter.net) or phone (433-7897) before Thursday, Feb. 3rd. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there.

Travel Group

The “Travel Club” will meet on Thursday, February 10th, at Liz Richardson’s home at 2:00 PM. Liz will share information on their trip to Spain.


We want to welcome these new members to AAUW! Please add them to your Membership Directories.

Cheryl Boughton

AA degree from Riverland Community College

2205 SW 10th Ave, Austin, MN.

507-437-7331 rwbought@smig.net

Mary Fisher

BS dgree, Northern State University

707 12th Ave. NW Austin, MN

507-437-6965 mmfisher@smig.net

Kathy Stutzman

MA degrees, University of Colorado & St. Mary’s University

301 12th Pl. NW Austin, MN

507-437-6927 kastutzm@smig.net

Harriet Ulland

MA degree, Mankato State College

50345 290th St. Austin, MN

507-437-4237 harriet.le.ulland@gmail.com

Sandy Folk, Membership Co-Chair

Library Used Book Sale

Start gathering your good used books for the annual fund raising event. This is a BIG event for our Branch and we will need help from everyone. The sale is Friday May 11th and Saturday May 12th. Set up will be on Wednesday and Thursday before the sale and pre-sorting will be in the days prior to that time. Working schedule sign-up will be available at the meeting. If you are interested in being a Co-Chair for this event, please contact me.

Laura Tjomsland, Book Sale Chair

Board Meeting Location Change

The location for April’s board meeting has been changed to the home of Sue Howard at 504 21st St. SW at 6:30 PM on April 26th. See you there!

AAUW Board Meeting

January 25, 2011

AAUW Board met at Liz Richardson’s home on January 25th. Members present were Liz Richardson, Laura Tjomsland, Sandy Folk, Sue Howard, Gerry Rustad, and Ellen Stark.

Secretary’s minutes were read and approved.

Treasurer reported receiving an additional $74.58 from our Younkers fundraiser for a total of $959.58. A check for $100.00 was written to the musicians following the December Holiday Celebration.

Program for the February 8th meeting will be a DVD presentation called “Lives For Sale” which deals with human trafficking. The meeting will be held at the Austin Public Library large meeting room at 6:30 P.M, with the program to follow at 7:00.

Four new members have joined since last month and our membership is now 63.

Carolyn and Peggy are working on the Women’s History month project and will have more details at a later date.

The spring book sale will be held May 13 and 14th, with set up dates on May 11 and 12. Members will be asked to volunteer when they can help.

Small groups reported.

Newsletter articles for the February newsletter should be submitted to Rae Dawn by Friday, January 29.

The AAUW State Convention will be April 29- May1 at the Riverport Inn and Suites in Winona.

The AAUW National Convention will be June 16 – 19 at the Renaissance Hotel in Washington D.C.

February 22 board meeting will be at Ellen Stark’s home.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Stark, Secretary

AAUW Monthly Financial Report
January 2011
Period: 1/1/11-1/31/11
Opening Balance: $4,413.83
Younkers Fundraiser Bonus 74.58
Membership dues (4) 81.00
Total Income: $ 155.58 $4,569.41
Total Disbursements: $0.00
Closing Balance 1/31/11 $4,569.41
AAUW Monthly Financial Report
December 2010
Opening Balance: $4,428.83
Fund Raiser 85.00
Total Income: $ 85.00 $4,513.83
Dec Meeting Honorariums 100.00
Total Disbursements: $100.00
Closing Balance 12/31/10 $4,413.83

Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.

Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao


Minnesota State Website:


The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:


Association e-mail: info@aauw.org



















AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912