May Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Volume 11 Number 8 May 2013Shaping the World One Woman at a Time



Marijo Alexander and Sue Grove, Co-Presidents

Co-President’s Thoughts

Welcome Spring! I cannot believe that we are at the end of our program year! Thank you to everyone who made this year so successful. We have so many talented members in our chapter who come together for spirited conversations and hard work to carry out the mission of AAUW. Every year when I interact with the high school students as they work on their Women’s History Month projects, I come away refreshed and hopeful.

State Convention is another event that always inspires me. I love to watch talented women (and men) working towards our shared goals of equity for all. This June, Marijo and I will be attending the National Convention in New Orleans. I am excited to hear Melissa Harris Perry and Olympia Snow at the final banquet.

As I write this, we are up to our necks in books that are coming in for the book sale. A huge thank you goes out to everyone who has really stepped up and put in hours upon hours publicizing, sorting books, gathering boxes, and all the other tasks involved.

Thank you, too, to those who are willing to serve on the board. It does involve effort, but working together ends up being rewarding and fun at the same time. Please consider taking a position.

I am looking forward to the banquet to celebrate all that we have done this year. Be sure to attend and to invite a potential member to come to meet us. Take good care.

Sue Grove


May Program

Mark your calendars now and plan to attend the annual AAUW Spring Banquet on May 14 at the Historic Hormel Home. A social time, with cash bar, begins at 6 p.m. and a delicious buffet dinner with dessert and coffee will be served at 6:30 p.m. This is a wonderful time to socialize with AAUW friends as we wrap up another successful year. Tickets are $14 and can be purchased at the door. Dues may also be paid by separate check or by cash at the banquet and are $65. See you all then! RSVP to Barb Hunter at

Kari Bain amp; Yesenia Mendoza

Program Committee Co-chairs

Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.

Morning Book Group


Morning Book Group will meet on Thursday, May 16th, the AM book discussion will on “Safe From the Sea, by Peter Geye. Our group will meet at 9:00 am at Gymocha on 14th St. NW. Please feel welcome to join our discussion. On Thursday, June 20th, we will discuss “And Then I Found You” by Patti Callahan Henry. Location TBA.


Evening Book Group

We will be discussing Run by Ann Pachett on Monday, May 6th at 7 PM at the home of Carolyn Bogott. Please RSVP to Carolyn at On June 3rd we will meet at Sue Howard’s home to make our book selections for the 2013-2014 year.


First Friday

The First Friday group is meeting at Olivia’s at 11:30 on Friday, May 3rd. The country club was not available. Contact Dorothy Krob if you would like to attend.

Travel Group

The AAUW Travel Club will be meeting on Thursday, May 9th at 2:00 P.M. at DedaRae’s house (303 – 22nd Street N.W.) Sue Grove and I will be sharing travel experiences from our trips to France. Please either email or call (433-7897) and let me know if you plan to join us. I look forward to seeing you there.

DedaRae Graber

Great Decisions

Great Decisions will meet on Wednesday, May 1st at 1 PM. There is a room change and we will now be meeting in Room 131 in Austin East at Riverland. Everyone is welcome to attend.





AAUW Board Meeting Minutes

AAUW Board met at the Riverland Community College on April 9th. Secretary’s report was approved. Mary Kay reviewed the 2013-14 budget. Motion made for preliminary approval of the budget. Motion approved. The budget will be published in the May newsletter, and finalized at the summer board retreat.

Mary Kay reported on the balance left in the “Speakers/Programs” budget line, and a discussion took place on how to disperse some of the funds. Four honoraria of $50 each will be sent to the four non-member speakers from the past year: Jean McDermott, Kay Middlebrook, Laura Helle, and an honorarium for the Seibel Center. Kari Bain will write the thank-you letters.

Kari gave an update on the May 14 banquet at the Hormel Home. Kathy Kester will collect money at the door. There will not be a program, but election of officers will take place.

The Nominating Committee is still looking to fill several positions for the coming year: Treasurer (to shadow for a year and then serve a 2-year term, replacing Mary Kay Wilson), Membership Vice President (replacing Barb Hunter) and Program Vice President (replacing Kari Bain).

Joyce reported on the upcoming book sale, May 2-4. Volunteers are needed to sort books, work during the sale and help box up books after the sale. Non-profit organizations are invited to take books following the sale.

Two more delegates are needed for the State Convention. Evelyn volunteered to go as one of the two needed delegates. The registration form needs to be submitted by April 17. Agenda items are to be submitted to Marijo and Sue on or before the first Tuesday of the month.

Ruth Monson, Secretary

Financial Report


There were no financial transactions in April.


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Membership Dues 3,900.00
Fund Raiser-House Tour B/4 Exp. 3,500.00
Estimated Carry Over 6,000.00
Other Fund Raiser 1,000.00
Fund Raiser-Book Sale 1,500.00
Total Receipts $ 15,900.00
National Dues 2,940.00
State Dues 540.00
AAUW Funds 850.00
Advertising 100.00
Candidate Forum 50.00
Directory 35.00
Fund Raiser 100.00
Gifts 100.00
Hospitality 50.00
Insurance 175.00
National Convention
Newsletter 15.00
Postage 50.00
Scholarships 2,000.00
Space Rental 200.00
Speakers/Programs 300.00
State Convention 500.00
Women’s History Initiative
Awards 225.00
Program 1,000.00
Miscellaneous 50.00
Total Expenses $9,280.00
Proposed Budget Receipts vs Expenses $6,620.00


Library Used Book Sale

Don’t forget the book sale is coming up this week on Friday amp; Saturday from 9:30 AM to 5 PM at the Austin Public Library. There are still several open slots for helping to set up the sale on Thursday May 2nd between 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM. Friday, May 3rd there are a few open slots between 1:30 and 5:00 PM. Saturday afternoon has a few open slots after 1:30 PM especially for the bag sale. Pre-sorting is taking place anytime you have time available.












By Evelyn Guentzel

AAUW’s mission of advancing equity for women and girls is underscored by its Public Policy Program. It strives to emphasize the importance of balancing the rights of individuals and community needs. All forms

of discrimination are opposed and civil rights of individuals are to be upheld by the Constitution. In brief, these are the Biennial Action Priorities for 2011 through 2013:

• AAUW supports a strong system of public education that promotes gender fairness, equity and diversity. It includes: adequate funding for quality public education; opposition to using public funds for

nonpublic elementary and secondary education and charter schools that do not comply with the same expectations as other public schools; enforcement of Title IX and other civil rights for women and girls;

access to higher education; and STEM.

• AAUW advocates economic self-sufficiency for all women, including: pay equity and fair compensation; access to nontraditional occupations and entrepreneurship; access to post-secondary education; strengthening retirement benefits and programs.

• AAUW advocates the guarantees of equality, individual rights and social justice in our diverse society which include: vigorous protection of civil and constitutional rights; reproductive choice;

freedom from violence in all areas of life; quality health care and family planning services; human rights as promoted by the United Nations; freedom in family structures. Members can learn more at

March saw more activity to draw attention to the initiative to build the National Women’s History Museum on the only site left on the

National Mall. The month began with the 100th anniversary of the Woman Suffrage Procession down Pennsylvania Avenue. 1913 is considered a turning point in the fight for suffrage. Visit for more information. You will see a Women Entrepreneur Exhibit, a presentation called “First Ladies Hidden in Plain Sight” featuring Cookie Roberts and historian Catherine Algor, three videos on the suffrage movement and teaching lessons. The museum is a work in progress. A Commission needs yet to be authorized by the Congress to identify the Mall as the site. There is much support but the House and the Senate must formally act. If members go to the website they will see the power of this initiative and, perhaps, become

a part of the effort.

We are getting more attention! AAUW was invited to the signing ceremony for the Violence Against Women Authorization. Our advocacy in 50 states leads to protection for women and men against dating violence, sexual assaults and stalking.

Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.

Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao

Minnesota State Website:

The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:

Association e-mail:



















AAUW Southern Highlights

1001 22nd Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912