Southern Highlights October 2010 Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Austin Minnesota Branch

Volume 9 Number 2 October 2010

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time



Co-President’s Column

It was good to see many of you at our September kick-off potluck (but we missed all who didn’t make it). Our thanks go especially to Janet Gilbertson, our hospitality chair, for the lovely seasonal decorations and arranging for the food.

It was encouraging to see guests and to have most of them become members. We will try to have member spotlights on each of these people. We have 54 members as of this writing. Membership chairs, Sandy Folk and Marsha Kuehne, are to be commended for their work. They plan to have the new directory ready at our October 12 meeting so you will want to be there to pick yours up.

Evelyn Guentzel is recovering from knee surgery and apologizes for not being able to schedule a candidate forum for this election year. You are urged to watch KSMQ Channel 15 on October 25 when The Herald and KSMQ sponsor a debate between the candidates. Evelyn will not be doing Public Policy Notes this month since she is without her computer while at Comforcare for rehab. She may be home by the time you read this newsletter.

Marijo and I are grateful for the competent people who have agreed to serve on our 2010-2011 board. We have an excellent group to work with. You may notice that Marijo will be mostly leading the meetings and I will be writing these columns.

The Fairmont and Albert Lea branches sent us complimentary tickets for their house tours last Saturday. I was able to do the Albert Lea house tour and visit with some of the member/hostesses as well as see the beautiful homes on the tour. It was suggested that our two branches get together for some of our meetings. What a great idea!

And have you enjoyed reading The Pine by e-mail? It is being sent to Rae Dawn and she is sending it on to you. Be sure to check out our website also. That’s at: Our newsletters appear there and you may see yourself in one of the pictures posted.

I hope you will be able to come to our October 12 meeting on Title IX: Equity in Sports for Women. Come at 6:30 and visit over coffee and dessert first. Speaking of equity in sports, has anyone seen a new Packer logo for women’s sports? I hear there is one.


Liz Richardson & Marijo Alexander


October Program

Please join us for our monthly program on October 12th at Riverland Community College in Room C108 of the East Building. Dessert will be served at 6:30 PM with the meeting and program to begin at 7:00 p.m. Our topic this month will cover Title IX: Equity in Sports for Women. Susie Hebrink, Riverland Basketball coach will be our speaker. All over the country, there are schools that fail to treat girls and young women fairly with respect to athletic participation, athletics facilities, and other benefits. Not only is this unfair, it also is potentially illegal under Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination against students and employees of educational institutions. Learn about the importance of competitive sports opportunities for young women. We may take a tour of the gym, locker rooms and workout rooms at Riverland if time permits.

Dani Heiny, Sue Howard & Nel Zellar

Program Committee Co-chairs


Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.

Morning Book Group

The Morning Book Group will meet on Thurs., October 21st at 9:00 at Jerry’s Other Place. We will be discussing the book Eat, Pray, Loveby Elizabeth Gilbert. New members are always welcome. Call Gerry Rustad (433-3718) if you have any questions.


Evening Book Group

Evening book group will be discussing The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Please join us on Tuesday, October 19th at 7 PM at the home of Eunys Kloempken. Please RSVP to

Just Come

This group is met at 11:30 a.m. Friday, October 1, at Gymocha across from the college on 14th Street. The menu included wraps, scones, soup, sandwiches, specialty coffees, and smoothies. We look forward to your joining us in November when we meet again on the first Friday of the month.

Travel Group

Greetings! We hope you had a GREAT summer. Our Travel Group is now ready to begin new adventures! We’ll start off on Thursday, October 7th, 7:00 p.m. at Joyce Goetz’s home. There will be a short presentation on Cape Cod and a planning meeting for the rest of the year. Come with thoughts of when you can do something. Please let Joyce know if you are coming. Her address is 900 SW 17th Avenue, Telephone 437-4608 or e-mail her at



Our Community Day fundraiser is off to a good start! Thank you for your willingness to participate, and to all who agreed to take a packet of coupons to someone not present at the September meeting. All coupons have now been handed out so if they are all sold they will bring in $1,000. At $5 per coupon or $20 per packet we’re hoping all 200 coupon books will be sold. There are more available if you need more. If you have not turned in your money yet, the October general meeting would be a great time to do that. Thanks to Joyce Goetz and Ellen Stark who have volunteered to sit at Younkers on October 16 from 2 – 4 p.m. We will be assigned a time to work on November 13 when we share in the profits from coupons sold by store associates on that day. If you are willing to work please let Marijo Alexander or Liz Richardson know. We will not be assigned a time until the week of Community Day.


AAUW Board Meeting Minutes

September 28, 2010

AAUW Board met at the home of Sue Grove. Members present were Marijo Alexander, Liz Richardson, Sue Grove, Joyce Goetz, Marcia Kuehne, Peggy Benzkofer, Laura Tjomsland, and Ellen Stark.

Secretary’s report was read and approved. Treasurer reported a balance of $7,439.08. Joyce has filed form 990N. Distribution of contributions to AAUW Funds was discussed. Motion was made that we designate $125.00 to Case Support 9310, and $125.00 for Campus Outreach Projects (LAF Funds). Motion seconded and carried. Motion was made that we designate $100.00 for NCCWSL, $300.00 for MN Past Presidents Fund #4326, $100.00 for Jane Skinner American Fellowship Fund #4203, and $100.00 for Mona McMahan Fund #4166 (EF Funds). Motion seconded and carried.

Collection of Younkers coupon book money was discussed. Joyce Goetz and Ellen Stark will work from 2:00 – 4:00 on October 16 at the store. Membership reported 8 new members have joined. We have a total of 53 paid members.

Motion was made and seconded to compensate Ivan in the amount of $100.00 for continuing technical work he has done on the AAUW website. Motion seconded and carried.

Tentative plans for Women’s History Month were discussed. Small groups reported. Plans for the candidate forum on October 25 will be cancelled because the Herald and KSMQ will be holding candidate forums on that date.

Newsletter items are due to Rae Dawn by October 1. Next general meeting is October 12 at Riverland, Room C-108. The topic will be Title IX. Next Board meeting will be October 26 at Sandy Folk’s home.

Motion was made and seconded to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Stark, Secretary


We are glad to welcome the following new members to Austin AAUW:

Kari Bain graduated from Winona State University and Hamline University.

Nicole Cizik graduated from Winona State University and is working at Hormel.

Barbara Hunter graduated from Mankato State University and is teaching at Lyle.

Deedee Marx graduated from Mankato State University and is a retired Phy Ed. teacher.

Yesenia Mendoza graduated from Mount Mercy University in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Lois Paulson graduated from Luther College and is retired.

Diane Wangsness graduated from Luther College and Mankato and is retired from teaching.

AAUW Monthly Financial Report
July – September 2010
Period: 7/1/10-9/30/10
Opening Balance: $6,754.72
Dues Received 715.00
Fund Raiser 320.00
Total Income: $ 1,035.00 $7,789.72
Hospitality 10.00
Postage 18.49
Miscellaneous 2.15
Total Disbursements: $30.64
Closing Balance 9/30/10 $7,759.08

Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.

Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.



Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao

Minnesota State Website:

The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:

Association e-mail:



















AAUW Southern Highlights

301 4th Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912