Daily Archives: October 6, 2010

Southern Highlights October 2010 Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Austin Minnesota Branch

Volume 9 Number 2 October 2010

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time



Co-President’s Column

It was good to see many of you at our September kick-off potluck (but we missed all who didn’t make it). Our thanks go especially to Janet Gilbertson, our hospitality chair, for the lovely seasonal decorations and arranging for the food.

It was encouraging to see guests and to have most of them become members. We will try to have member spotlights on each of these people. We have 54 members as of this writing. Membership chairs, Sandy Folk and Marsha Kuehne, are to be commended for their work. They plan to have the new directory ready at our October 12 meeting so you will want to be there to pick yours up.

Evelyn Guentzel is recovering from knee surgery and apologizes for not being able to schedule a candidate forum for this election year. You are urged to watch KSMQ Channel 15 on October 25 when The Herald and KSMQ sponsor a debate between the candidates. Evelyn will not be doing Public Policy Notes this month since she is without her computer while at Comforcare for rehab. She may be home by the time you read this newsletter. Continue reading