April Newsletter

Southern Highlights

Austin Minnesota Branch

Volume 8 Number 7 April 2010

Shaping the World One Woman at a Time



Co-President’s Column

The program for the April meeting will be great as witnessed by those of us who judged the Women’s History Month contest at Austin High School. The projects were terrific and the winning entries will present at our April meeting. Laura Tjomsland, Ann Odegaard, Janet Gilbertson and LeeAnn Ettinger worked with me judging the entries. Thanks to each of them.

The entire Women’s History Month activities at Austin High School went very well with Ann Bancroft providing a stimulating program to the entire student body. She also had lunch with the contest winners and met with three large groups of students in the afternoon. All this after flying into the Twin Cities from Norway the day before! Please express your gratitude to members of the Austin Public Education Foundation, the Noon Kiwanis, the Early Riser Kiwanis and the Rotary Club. They provided financial support for the project as did Carolyn Bogott and Sue Grove. If any other members would like to make a contribution, it would be greatly appreciated. Additional donations would offset the amount that we are taking from branch funds.

Our next big project is the Book Sale. Please contact Laura Tjomsland if you have time to volunteer. Books are also needed so this is a good time to sort out your library.

The state convention will be held April 16th and 17th. Liz Richardson and Carolyn Bogott are attending as is Sue Grove as a state board member. Liz and Carolyn have room in their car so please call if you are interested in attending. The branch has funds in the budget to pay your entry fee and we have four delegate positions. AAUW conventions are always very interesting and stimulating and well worth the journey.

Our contribution to the LAF silent auction this year is two baskets of goodies. “Heart Health” will include items to promote a healthy heart such as a package of oatmeal, running socks, an odometer – you get the idea. The other will focus on birds with two lovely paintings of birds as well as bird seed etc. Please consider bringing some item or items to the April meeting to include in these baskets.

Happy a happy Spring!


April Program

The April program will feature winners from the Women’s History Month contest held at Austin High School. Olivia Grev took 1st Place with her project titled ‘Breaking the Glass’. She did a great job of using primary sources and research to show how women executives have made gains. Other top finishers in no particular order are as follows. Caleb and Jordan Bentley’s project with ‘Eileen Collins: Pioneer in Space’, Jenna Baker and Lauren Edwards with ‘Women in Factory Work: Now and Then’, and Bronna Bergstrom with ‘Women in the Military.
The meeting will be held at Riverland College in Room C123 in the East Building on April 13th. As usual, refreshments will be served at 6:30 PM with the program and meeting to follow at 7 PM. We hope to see you there!

Dani Heiny & Sue Howard

Program Committee Co-chairs



Small Groups

These groups are open to any member wishing to attend.

Morning Book Group

Morning book group will be discussing The Help by Kathryn Stockett. We will be meeting on April 22nd at 9 AM at Jerry’s Other Place. Please call Liz Richardson at 433-7655 if you plan to attend.


Evening Book Group

Evening book group will be discussing Nineteen Minutes by Jody Picoult. Please join us on Tuesday, April 20th at 7 PM at the home of Kathy Kester. RSVP Kathy at 437-2065.

Just Come

We will not be meeting in the month of April due to the Easter holiday.

Travel Group

Still traveling! Our next meeting is tentative for May 6th.

Great Decisions

We will be meeting next on April 26th at 1 PM in room C128 at Riverland. The March topic is ‘Transnational Crime: Globalization’s Shadowy Stepchild’.



Library Book Sale Set for April 9-10th!


The annual spring BOOK SALE will be held on Friday April 9 and Saturday April 10th.

Set up will take place Monday – Thursday before the sale. The Library opens at 10:00 AM so if you are schedule to begin at 10, you need to use the employee entrance.

The bag sale begins at 3:30 PM on Saturday at $4.00 per bag. There are still spots available to help on Saturday and during the set up days.

Books can still be donated for the sale. Thanks to those who have signed up to work: Ann Odegaard, Kaye Schultz, Nel Zellar, Carolyn Bogott, DedaRae Graber, Ellen Stark, Janet Giblertson, Marie Lechelt, Ruth Monson, Eunys Kloempken, Judy Pesonen, Peggy Nenzkofer, Liz Richardson, Peg Seth, Rae Dawn Rao, Marian Clennon and Sue Grove with her group of students.

This is a big project and requires lots of help. If you can, please donate a few books and a couple hours of volunteer work.

Laura Tjomsland

AAUW Chair for Library Book Sale


AAUW Board met at the Riverland Library at 6:30. Members present were Peggy Benzokofer, Carolyn Bogott, Marijo Alexander, Laura Tjomsland, Sue Howard, Liz Richardson, DedaRae Graber, Janet Gilbertson, Ellen Stark, and Joyce Goetz.

Secretary’s report was read.

Motion was made and seconded to keep 2010-2011 dues at $65.00. Motion carried. Proposed budget was reviewed and suggestions were made.

Women’s History Month activities were well received. Articles will be written for the newsletter and our web page. Winners will present their projects at the April general meeting.

The book sale will be held at the Austin Public Library on April 9 -10. Workers are still needed. Call Laura to volunteer.

Nominating committee announced that Nell Zeller will work with the program chairs.

The state convention will be held April 16-18. Up to 10 members may have their registration paid.

Sites for the May banquet have been narrowed to three possibilities. Sue will check on menu choices. $150.00 is available to defray rental costs.

There will be no Just Come to Lunch in April.

Deadline to submit articles for the newsletter is March 26.

The next board meeting will be held April 27 at Ellen Stark’s house, 1809 25th St. SW.

Respectfully submitted,

Ellen Stark, Secretary

April Board Meeting

Tuesday, April 27th

6:30 PM

Home of Ellen Stark

























































Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.

Vision Statement: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Southern Highlights Editor: Rae Dawn Rao


Minnesota State Website:


The Pine Editor: LouAnne Hoppe

Association Website:


Association e-mail: info@aauw.org






















AAUW Southern Highlights

301 4th Ave. SW

Austin, MN 55912